Plastic Surgery of the Ear
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Bat ears/ Prominent ears (Otoplasty and ear splinting)
Prominent ears are due to either
unfolding of the antihelical fold, a deep conchal bowl or
both. The very best treatment is splinting of the ears within
the first few weeks of life!
Whilst there are circulating maternal hormones, auricular
cartilage remains malleable. This technique may be applied
to all types of deformational ear deformity and in many cases
obviates the need for surgery later. It is not applicable
to ear malformations. There is a narrow window of opportunity
and treatment must be commenced before 6 weeks of age. |
There are many techniques for Otoplasty (bat ear correction). It
can be performed any time after age 3 and I prefer to wait until
it becomes an issue for the child. There is no upper age limit although
the cartilage is firmer in an adult and more difficult to manipulate.
French Otoplasty Technique
The technique I use varies from the commonly practiced Chonchet
technique. It still involves an incision behind the ear but there
is no dissection of cartilage in front of the ear. Advantages include;
-A gently curved antihelical fold rather than a straight fold seen
in some “pinned ears”
-No cartilage incisions or overlapping cartilage (noticeable as
swelling settles)
-No head bandage. The ears are “superglued” into place
for 1 week
-avoidance of “telephone ear” deformity
-less bruising and swelling at the front of the ear
In older children this can be performed under local anaesthetic.
Bat ear before |
Bat ear after |
Lop ear before |
Lop ear after |